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Xevento Minecraft Server List · Trending

Everything you need to grow your server


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Why you should list your Server on SkinMC

SkinMC Others
Quality check and confirmation

Our team reviews every server to ensure quality.

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Reviews from verified Minecraft players

Collect authentic player reviews from legitimate accounts with Votifier integration.

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With translation features your listing is available to more players.

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Powerful Server listing page

Add photos, description texts, youtube videos, and highlight why players should join your server.

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Social media connections

Connect your Servers social accounts and show new players where they can find you.

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Verification badge

Authentic servers can apply for a verification badge.

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Owner profile

Add a personal touch, by completing your custom profile.

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Different categories to make it easier to find your server.

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Ask users to vote for your server.

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Fair listings

Server listings can not be artificially boosted in results on SkinMC.

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24h support

Do you need help or have questions? You can always reach out and receive a fast reply.

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Custom features

Missing a feature for your server? Open a ticket, and we'll implement it.

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